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Albourne Wins Hedge Fund Consultant of the Year

Albourne is delighted to have won Hedge Fund Consultant of the Year at Institutional Investor's 19th annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards!

Thank you for your votes! 

For details of all of the winners, please click here.


The winners of the 2022 Institutional Investor's Hedge Fund Industry Awards were selected by majority vote through an online survey of the readership of Institutional Investor (“II”), which consist of participants in the hedge fund industry globally. There was an open (public) nomination process. The editorial team verified nominations. The nominations were made public and a voting process for the awards, including “Hedge Fund Consultant of the Year” (the “Award”) was opened. Voting for this award was open to investment fund managers. All investment consultants located in North America, Europe and Asia that advise institutional investors on hedge fund investments were eligible to receive the Award under the same survey criteria. The survey was not structured, administered or designed to produce a pre-determined result of Albourne winning the Award. In conferring the Award to Albourne, II attributed survey nominations for any one of Albourne’s affiliates as a nomination for Albourne.

Albourne is not affiliated with II and did not pay a fee to be eligible to be nominated for the Award. The Award is not representative of an Albourne client’s experience. The Award reflects the subjective views of investment fund managers, and not those of Albourne’s own clients. The Award is not indicative of Albourne’s current or future performance.
